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Google’s March 2024 Core update reshapes SEO landscape

"Core Update"
“Core Update”

The much talked about Google Core update in March 2024 has become a hot topic among SEO practitioners because of its transformative features including an extended rollout process, the suspension of the Helpful Content Update (HCU) and existing SERP quality issues.

This update presents a novel approach to gauging page experience – a crucial aspect of search engine optimisation. Analytical insights provided by Semrush, culled from myriad SERPs, have been instrumental in painting a clearer picture of how this update is altering the SERP terrain. These insights should be seen as educated interpretations, and should be married with other analytical tools for an effective SEO management.

Understanding the role of the HCU has been a challenge for many. It’s unclear whether the HCU is included or excluded in the recent core update, and the irregular patterns of rank volatility has further muddied the waters. This complexity emphasises the need for an in-depth understanding of the core updates.

Usually, the “peak volatility” measure provides a decent framework to assess the impact of an algorithmic update.

Assessing SEO impact of Google’s 2024 update

However, it fell short for the March 2024 update. Distinguishing this update as “less volatile” based purely on peak rank shifts, could potentially underplay the protracted period of uncertainty it has engendered.

Unlike previous updates, the March 2024 update brought about a significant move towards the bottom of “page one of the SERP”. While some websites reported major rank drops at the top of the SERP, it is not a common trend observed following this update.

A few high-ranking websites witnessed targeted effects of the update despite the lack of substantial changes. The specificity of this update’s impact, suggests dramatic shifts may not always be obvious but subtle changes can have a major effect. The March 2024 update emphasises the importance of regular data analysis and profound SEO understanding for effective management of future updates.

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