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Many US consumers feel ignored by ads

Ignored Consumers
Ignored Consumers

A significant portion of American consumers feel neglected by marketers despite the barrage of advertisements they encounter daily. According to research by iHeartMedia in partnership with Malcolm Gladwell’s Pushkin Industries, 44% of US consumers report feeling ignored by marketers. This sentiment is echoed despite the large amount of data marketers possess about their interests and purchasing habits.

The study, which also involved inputs from Morning Consult, Advertiser Perceptions, and Critical Mass Media, highlights a crucial disconnect: while consumers are overwhelmed with ads, they find them largely irrelevant. A striking 67% of consumers expressed disdain for targeted ads that follow them online, and seven out of ten reported that these ads fail to resonate with their interests. The research underscores the importance of meaningful engagement.

Both consumers and marketers agree on the value of establishing a connection based on shared values and beliefs. However, this connection remains elusive, as evidenced by the significant gap in what each group deems important. For instance, the study found that twice as many consumers as marketers consider religion a top value (30% vs.

15%). Similarly, 28% of consumers prioritize “Law and Order” compared to 16% of marketers.

Consumers ignored by targeted ads

Malcolm Gladwell noted, “Today’s consumers are acutely aware of their social and economic environment and hold higher expectations for the brands that target them.” This awareness suggests that consumers seek brands that genuinely understand and reflect their values. The findings indicate a substantial opportunity for brands that can bridge this gap. Seventy-two percent of respondents stated they refrain from purchasing from brands that ignore them, while 75% are willing to pay a premium for brands that align with their values.

This demonstrates the potential business benefits for brands that listen and respond to consumer preferences. Marketers are thus urged to pay more attention to customer values and preferences to win over this critical segment. In a polarizing election year, it may be advantageous for brands to take a stand on contentious issues if these align with their core values.

Gayle Troberman, CMO of iHeartMedia, said, “We marketers have more data at our fingertips than ever before, yet almost half of American consumers feel ignored. As marketers, we must be careful not to let our personal perceptions guide our marketing decisions.

The study also reveals differences between consumer and marketer lifestyles: consumers enjoy activities like hunting and fishing, while marketers might prefer pickleball and tennis. Moreover, consumers often save for significant purchases, doing extensive research before buying, whereas marketers may make expensive purchases quickly, using credit cards without approval.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing consumers’ values and expectations can transform their relationship with brands, fostering loyalty and driving business success. The findings were presented at iHeartMedia’s AudioCon 2024 from a survey conducted with 2,202 U.S. consumers between May 3 and May 5, 2024.

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