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Capturing the right data for customer retention and growth

Today’s B2B marketing teams are awash in customer information. This flood of data can produce optimal marketing results and significant ROI opportunities, but not before it tasks marketers with putting it all into context. The right customer data leads to the right customer insight—ultimately providing accurate business foresight—but first, marketers have to catch, integrate, augment, and analyze all that information. That means knowing what kind of data is needed, what data is being received and reported, and how to capitalize on the information.

Direct Marketing News invited seven senior B2B marketers to a conversation about data capture, management, and optimization strategies for customer acquisition and retention. Integrated marketing solutions company Reach Marketing cohosted the discussion, which ranged from how to gather the right data from the best sources, to how to enrich that data; and from how to improve data management, to how to approach social media information.

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