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Badgeville integrates Klout scores into gamification offerings

Gamification company Badgeville will now be integrating scores drawn from Klout, the social media influence platform, for marketers looking to reward users in brands’ online communities.

Badgeville uses social rank and reputation systems to identify and reward individuals who contribute to blogs, review sites, and use other social platforms that discuss products and brands. The more engaged an individual is with a brand and its offerings, the more they are rewarded.

By incorporating Klout scores, Badgeville will be able to reward based on an individual’s social influence, including how many people he or she impacts and how much an individual drives the behavior of others. As the first gamification service to incorporate Klout scores in its program, Badgeville expects that this will help brands reward users who are most likely to boost engagement and sharing across their networks.

“Gamification and reputation programs should not exist in just one area of your customer’s experience,” said Adena DeMonte, director of marketing at Badgeville.

DeMonte said that by incorporating the Klout scores into customers’ Badgeville experience, a marketer is able to create special experiences, rewards, and missions for customers with high Klout scores. For example, a person with a high Klout score is likely to have a large and active Twitter presence, so the marketer could create a special mission that rewards the user for tweeting about his or her purchases.

“Since they are a top influencer, it may make sense to reward completion of these missions with a high-value reward, including special status,” said DeMonte. “Possibly a tangible reward or privilege such as free shipping, a free gift with purchase, or early access to new products and deals.”

Badgeville integrated with more than 40 third?party enterprise applications and its “behavior platform” currently connects with social applications like Bazaarvoice, JIVE, and Livefyre. The Klout score offers an additional way brands can measure customer activity and impact, to offer special status and rewards.

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