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BMobilized launches Web-to-mobile conversion service

BMobilized, a mobile technology startup in New York, launched a Web-to-mobile website conversion service July 6, says Bjørn Holte, bMobilized founder and CMO.

“There’s a huge need for small- and medium-sized businesses to have a mobile website,” Holte says. “Today, to create your mobile site, you’d need a huge technical team.” BMobilized’s solution attempts to streamline the process, he says, and make it cheaper for businesses to optimize their e-commerce sites for tablets and smartphones.

The technology was developed after more than two years of research and trials, Holte says.

When business owners sign up on the bMobilized website, they enter in their URL and any specific features (such as click-to-call) they would like the mobile site to have, he says. From there, the business owner can redirect the website into a mobile version using a link, Holte says. “We reformat the images and everything,” he says.

One of the key differences between a mobile-optimized site and a traditional website is that all of the phone numbers and email addresses on the site need to be actionable, he says. A customer needs to be able to click your phone number to call you right away, he says.

Mobile sites are primarily used for research and e-commerce, so it’s important for retailers–even small ones–to have their websites optimized, Holte says. Current clients of bMobilized’s software include Talon Helicopters, a helicopter services company in Vancouver, British Columbia and Sam’s Fine Jewelry, a retailer in Texas.

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