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Google testing search ads featuring email opt-ins

Google is testing an ad unit that would allow consumers to opt in to email newsletters within the ad, according to reports.

Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Dec. 30. Automotive brand Honda and email service providers Constant Contact and AWeber are among the marketers testing the unit, according to TechCrunch.

Direct Marketing News was able to encounter the ad unit after entering a search query for “aweber.” The corresponding search results page featured an ad atop the results for AWeber with an email opt-in mechanism. The form was auto-filled with the logged-in user’s Gmail address but could be replaced with any email address. 

A privacy pop-up notification connected with the ad unit informs consumers that their email address will be sent to the advertiser after they submit the form. After entering the user’s email address and hitting the “subscribe to newsletter” button, the ad unit displayed a message notifying the user that he or she has successfully subscribed to the newsletter. 

Direct Marketing News found that an ad for email service provider VerticalResponse also featured the mechanism but was modified from the AWeber example. The VerticalResponse opt-in asked consumers to submit their email address as well as their name.

Emailblog first reported on the unit’s existence on Dec. 1.

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