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Three ways to use transpromo to engage and delight customers

Transactional mail — usually consisting of your company’s customer bill — has the highest open rate in direct mail and e-mail. Why not take that opportunity to engage your customer with promotional messaging that’s highly targeted and relevant? That’s the basic premise behind transpromo (transactional promotion) mail, explains Bernie Gracy, VP of strategy and new business development for Pitney Bowes.

“While you’ve got their attention, what can you do to move the needle with that customer or that member? Transpromo provides marketers with a unique opportunity to send a communication that informs, educates, or changes behavior in a media channel with an extremely high open rate — more than 95%,” says Gracy. “The customer-facing goal is to help them make better decisions. For companies, touching the customer in this way improves the bottom line. It’s a win-win situation.”

Transpromo mail can be used in any industry, and breakthroughs in relationship marketing and technology make this marketing tactic easier and more effective than ever better. Here are three examples, by industry, to use transactional promotion mail as part of your marketing strategy:

Financial industry: Provide timely advice

Use transpromo mail to show customers how to improve their financial situation. “The economic recession hurt a lot of people, and customers are screaming out for advice. Present that advice in the context of a bank statement or retirement fund accounts statement,” advises Gracy. “Use the customer insight you already have to make recommendations tailored to that particular customer’s situation.”

Healthcare industry: Transform a challenge into an opportunity

With healthcare reform, patients can’t be dropped from healthcare insurance coverage when they get sick. Insurance companies need to see that as an opportunity to build a relationship rather than viewing the new regulation a burden, Gracy says. “Their profitability is going to be linked to changing member behavior, right? So using transpromo following, say, an emergency room visit, an insurance company can recommend strategies to manage chronic conditions, eat better, or exercise, and show customers how to save money by ordering 90-day prescriptions by mail,” Gracy advises.

Retail industry: Deliver relevant offers and drive sales traffic

Developing transpromo mail based on an individual customer’s purchase patterns helps retail marketers craft offers that are relevant and meaningful. “If I’m in retail, the approach will be more traditional transpromo,” says Gracy. “Based on channel behavior and additional intelligence, a marketer can determine the best call to action, too,  on promotion printed right on the customer’s monthly statement, such as visit our Web site, call the 1-800 number, or visit the store that’s closest to the customer’s home, including that store’s address and locator map,” he says.

If your goal is to cost-effectively maintain customer relations and improve share of wallet, explore transpromo mail. Pitney Bowes has just relaunched its popular whitepaper on this subject, “An Intelligent Approach to TransPromo. The paper is free to our readers. To download the paper, click here.

Transactional mail — usually consisting of your company’s customer bill — has the highest open rate in direct mail and e-mail. Why not take that opportunity to engage your customer with promotional messaging that’s highly targeted and relevant? That’s the basic premise behind transpromo (transactional promotion) mail, explains Bernie Gracy, VP of strategy and new business development for Pitney Bowes.

“While you’ve got their attention, what can you do to move the needle with that customer or that member? Transpromo provides marketers with a unique opportunity to send a communication that informs, educates, or changes behavior in a media channel with an extremely high open rate — more than 95%,” says Gracy. “The customer-facing goal is to help them make better decisions. For companies, touching the customer in this way improves the bottom line. It’s a win-win situation.”

Transpromo mail can be used in any industry, and breakthroughs in relationship marketing and technology make this marketing tactic easier and more effective than ever better. Here are three examples, by industry, to use transactional promotion mail as part of your marketing strategy:

Financial industry: Provide timely advice

Use transpromo mail to show customers how to improve their financial situation. “The economic recession hurt a lot of people, and customers are screaming out for advice. Present that advice in the context of a bank statement or retirement fund accounts statement,” advises Gracy. “Use the customer insight you already have to make recommendations tailored to that particular customer’s situation.”

Healthcare industry: Transform a challenge into an opportunity

With healthcare reform, patients can’t be dropped from healthcare insurance coverage when they get sick. Insurance companies need to see that as an opportunity to build a relationship rather than viewing the new regulation a burden, Gracy says. “Their profitability is going to be linked to changing member behavior, right? So using transpromo following, say, an emergency room visit, an insurance company can recommend strategies to manage chronic conditions, eat better, or exercise, and show customers how to save money by ordering 90-day prescriptions by mail,” Gracy advises.

Retail industry: Deliver relevant offers and drive sales traffic

Developing transpromo mail based on an individual customer’s purchase patterns helps retail marketers craft offers that are relevant and meaningful. “If I’m in retail, the approach will be more traditional transpromo,” says Gracy. “Based on channel behavior and additional intelligence, a marketer can determine the best call to action, too,  on promotion printed right on the customer’s monthly statement, such as visit our Web site, call the 1-800 number, or visit the store that’s closest to the customer’s home, including that store’s address and locator map,” he says.

If your goal is to cost-effectively maintain customer relations and improve share of wallet, explore transpromo mail. Pitney Bowes has just relaunched its popular whitepaper on this subject, “An Intelligent Approach to TransPromo. The paper is free to our readers. To download the paper, click here.

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