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Web Digest Announces Marketers Awards

Web Digest for Marketers, New York, last week announced its Fourth Annual Best of Web Digest for Marketers Awards. WDFM covers marketing-oriented Web sites in categories such as finance, e-commerce, direct marketing, entertainment, travel and advertising.

Among the categories and the winners in each are: Human Resources, Wage Web; Automotive, Build Your BMW; Online productivity, Day-Timer Digital; Retail, Buy.com; Internet, WebCriteria; Database, United States Patent & Trademark Office; Catalog, Office Depot; Internet Tools, Web Site Garage; Travel, Thomas Cook International Money Services; Smart Use of the Internet, Portico; Legal, FPLC Intellectual Property Mall; Customization, My Design Friend of Barbie; Competitive Research, Bannerstake; Branding, SmartStart; Best Demonstration, Microsoft's TerraServer; Best Use of the Internet, Stamps.com; and Internet Publishing, Business 2.0.

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