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What Are Techniques to Boost Email Open Rates?

What Are Techniques to Boost Email Open Rates?

Imagine crafting the perfect email, only for it to be left unopened, lost in the sea of inbox clutter. It’s a challenge every marketer faces, but the key to overcoming it lies in understanding what truly drives recipients to click that “open” button. To uncover the secrets behind boosting email open rates, we connected with some of the industry’s top email marketers and CEOs. These experts shared their tried-and-true techniques, from mastering the art of A/B testing subject lines to creating highly personalized content that resonates with readers. Dive into their insights and discover sixteen powerful strategies that can transform your email campaigns and keep your audience engaged.

  • Implement A/B Testing for Subject Lines
  • Keep Subject Lines Brief
  • Purge Inactive Subscribers Regularly
  • Create Urgency in Subject Lines
  • Craft Compelling Pre-Header Text
  • Personalize With Dynamic Content
  • Intrigue With Mystery Emails
  • Apply AIDA to Subject Lines
  • Personalize for Higher Open Rates
  • Make Subject Lines Stand Out
  • Offer Value in Emails
  • Time Sends for Audience Engagement
  • Moderate Email Sending Frequency
  • Invest in Branded Email Domains
  • Avoid Spam Filters With Care
  • Use Personalized Subject Lines

Implement A/B Testing for Subject Lines

A/B testing of subject lines is a powerful strategy to give you the data to help you increase your email marketing open rates in the future. A/B testing is testing two or more subject line variations with a segment of your audience so you can identify which version resonates best. This process helps you understand what language, tone, length, or specific keywords capture your audience’s attention. Some things we have tested include:

  • Personalizing using the first name of the recipient in the subject line.
  • Using emojis (you can test this at the beginning of the subject line, at the end, or even as bookend emojis).
  • Leveraging longer subject lines compared to shorter ones (shorter usually performs best).
  • Including brackets to make the subject line topic stand out, for example, “[New Trial Data]” at the front of a subject line promoting a new case study or trial data.

A/B testing helps you eliminate the guesswork of crafting subject lines, allowing you to make data-driven decisions that improve engagement. Over time, consistently optimizing subject lines through A/B testing can lead to higher open rates, better campaign performance, and increased conversions while maximizing the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

Elyse Flynn Meyer, Owner & Founder, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Keep Subject Lines Brief

A little-known fact, which has been proven over and over by a raft of different email marketers (including myself), is that brevity in subject lines is the key to a high open rate. In fact, one-word email subject lines can gift you your highest-ever open rates, and anything more than two or three words is definitely inadvisable.

This could be because more concise lines break up the monotony of an inbox, or encourage the reader to delve deeper due to their novelty. This also could be because anything past a certain number of characters will be cut off by the email client. Regardless of what causes this, in email marketing, the best writers are those who can convey a lot with a little!

Joshua Long, Head of Comms, Mojeek Limited

Purge Inactive Subscribers Regularly

Clean out all inactive or unresponsive subscribers from your list. These subscribers are essentially fillers, dragging down your open rates. Ensure that you regularly clean your contact list and only collect high-quality email addresses from the start. If you recently ran a promotion, it’s best to clean your mailing list after it ends, as the emails collected during the promotion might not be as active anymore. In this context, high-quality email addresses refer to engaged, active contacts who signed up for your mailing list using opt-in forms or through your newsletter.

Matthew Franzyshen, Business Development Manager, Ascendant Technologies, Inc.

Create Urgency in Subject Lines

Creating a sense of urgency in the subject line is a powerful way to boost email open rates. I once worked on a campaign for a limited-time sale where we used subject lines like, “24 Hours Left: Don’t Miss Out on 50% Off!” The key was to make the deadline clear and compelling without feeling too pushy.

There was a noticeable spike in open rates as recipients needed to act quickly. This technique works because it taps into the fear of missing out (FOMO), a psychological trigger that can significantly influence behavior. When people know they have limited time, they’re more likely to open the email to avoid missing a great opportunity.

Sahil Kakkar, CEO & Founder, RankWatch

Craft Compelling Pre-Header Text

We focus on crafting compelling preheader text that complements the subject line. The preheader is the short summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the inbox. By making sure that this text is intriguing and provides a clear value proposition, we can entice recipients to open the email to learn more. This technique works hand-in-hand with the subject line to increase curiosity and drive open rates.

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Personalize With Dynamic Content

Personalization via dynamic content and segmentation is a very successful strategy to increase email open rates. Customizing emails to each recipient’s unique interests, behaviors, and preferences can greatly increase open rates compared to sending a generic email to your whole list.

To start, divide your email list into groups according to a range of factors, like previous purchasing patterns, engagement levels, geography, or demographic data. For instance, you may create distinct sections for individuals who haven’t interacted with your emails in a while, returning customers, and first-time purchasers.

To make the email body and subject lines unique for every section, use dynamic content. For example, your subject line might introduce a new product in that category or offer a special discount if the segment consists of clients who regularly buy a certain product category. By making the email more relevant to the receiver, this level of personalization raises the probability that they will open it.

To send emails to consumers based on certain actions they perform, like perusing a product, adding something to their basket, or registering for a webinar. Because they arrive at a moment when the content is most relevant, these triggered emails tend to have higher open rates and are highly relevant to the recipient’s current interests.

To find out what appeals to your audience the most, test various aspects of your emails on a regular basis, including subject lines, send times, and personalized content. With A/B testing, you can gradually adjust your strategy and aim for higher open rates.

Bhoomi Kukadiya, SEO Executive, BrainerHub Solutions

Intrigue With Mystery Emails

For boosting email open rates, try creating a “mystery email” campaign. We’ve tried this with great success. Basically, you send an email with a subject line like, “Open in exactly 24 hours for a surprise” or, “This email will self-destruct in 3 days.” Inside, include time-sensitive content, exclusive offers, or even a fun interactive element that only works within the specified timeframe.

This plays on people’s natural curiosity and fear of missing out, potentially driving up open rates as recipients eagerly await the reveal. It may be a tad unconventional, but we thought it was pretty innovative and definitely did create a buzz around some of our emails that actually had people forwarding them to others because they liked it so much.

Chris Kirksey, CEO, Direction.com

Apply AIDA to Subject Lines

Use the AIDA model while creating the email subject line. AIDA stands for “Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.” With these four elements in your email subject, I bet your email open rates will skyrocket.

Using AIDA is just like creating a miniature sales pitch that captures attention, sparks interest, hints at desire, and subtly prompts action, all within a concise space (your subject line). Now, the actual twist is how to use AIDA for subject lines where you have space limitations. Let me explain it to you!

Use suggestive language that should grab attention, leave a hint about your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to raise interest, put emotional triggers like rewards or urgency for desire, and add a CTA (Call to Action) for action.

Kate Dzhevaga, CMO, Head of Growth, SYMVOLT

Personalize for Higher Open Rates

One of the simplest yet most effective techniques you can employ to boost your email open rates is personalization. Personalized emails, where you address the recipient by name and include some relevant details about them, have open rates that are nearly 20% higher compared to generic emails.

Personalization shows your subscribers that you value them as individuals and that you understand what matters most to them. You can personalize your emails based on subscribers’ names, locations, past purchases, browsing history, and other information you have collected. Even adding a simple “Hello [first name],” at the beginning of your email subject line and content can help increase open rates significantly.

Make sure to personalize at scale by using tools that integrate with your customer database and email automation software. This allows you to automate personalization for thousands of subscribers. Test different personalization strategies to see what resonates most with your audience and improves open rates the most. As you optimize, don’t forget to keep personalization relevant and not overly intrusive in order to maintain subscriber trust.

Personalization is a powerful technique that can help you build stronger relationships with your subscribers while also improving your email metrics, starting with higher open rates. Give it a try and see what impact personalized content can have on engaging your audience.

Anupreet Kaur, Content and Digital Marketing Manager, Mitt Arv

Make Subject Lines Stand Out

Make your subject line pop. Your email’s subject line is like a first handshake—it sets the tone and can make or break whether someone opens your message. Here’s how to make sure your subject line grabs attention and boosts those open rates.

  1. Your subject line is the first thing people see, and it plays a big role in whether they open your email or not.
  1. Research from Campaign Monitor shows that emails with personalized subject lines see a 25%+ higher open rate. That’s a big deal!
  1. Use the recipient’s name or other personal touches to make your email stand out. Example: “John, This Is Just for You!”
  1. Example: “You Won’t Believe What We’ve Got for You”Make them curious with a subject line that’s intriguing or thought-provoking.
  1. Example: “Your Weekly Update: New Features You’ll Love”Be clear about what your email offers, and make sure it’s relevant to the reader.
  1. Example: “Get 20% Off Your Next Purchase” vs. “Unlock Your 20% Discount Inside!”Try different subject lines to see what works best.

Oleksandr Dzhevaga, Head of Business Development and Marketing, SYMVOLT

Offer Value in Emails

One technique to boost email open rates is to offer value to the recipients. Don’t just send emails that promote the solutions you offer. Share helpful content with the recipients subscribed to your email list and educate them on how they can solve their problems. This earns you their respect over time. Since your emails generally contain valuable information, the recipients are compelled to open them, leading you to achieve high email open rates.

Blair Williams, CEO, MemberPress

Time Sends for Audience Engagement

A unique approach to increasing email open rates is to schedule your sends when your audience is most receptive. By tracking and understanding your recipients’ typical email engagement times, you can strategically time your emails to land when they will most likely be checking their inboxes.

For instance, targeting mid-morning or early afternoon, when people often catch up on emails, can yield better results. Pair this with a compelling subject line that sparks interest or urgency, encouraging recipients to prioritize your email over others and engage with your content immediately.

Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Founder and Creative Director, Marquet Media

Moderate Email Sending Frequency

One of the most underrated techniques to boost email open rates is to consider moderation when sending emails to your recipients. A common mistake brands make when people join their email lists is that they go overboard with newsletters or promotional emails. This affects their credibility as a sender, as their emails become a nuisance for recipients.

As a result, the recipients may end up ignoring the emails received from these brands or unsubscribe from their email list altogether. The frequency of your emails being sent to recipients matters and has an effect on the open rate.

Chris Klosowski, President, Easy Digital Downloads

Invest in Branded Email Domains

For me, investing in company-domain emails can boost open rates for the following reasons:

  • It enhances professionalism. Nowadays, with phishing scams on the rise, people are more cautious about which emails they open. If it’s purely from a common domain, chances are it will be deleted. However, if it comes from a reputable name, people are more likely to give it a chance.
  • It improves brand recall. When you use your brand name in your emails, it strengthens brand recognition. Customers are more likely to remember your brand whenever they need something you offer.

Jason Davis, Founder, E-commerce SEO Guru, Makarios Marketing

Avoid Spam Filters With Care

The number one task in any email campaign to improve open rates is to get by the recipient’s security software. After all, your email is impossible to open if it never arrives.

Be diligent when crafting your subject lines to ensure your words and phrasing are least likely to trigger any spam filters. Correct spelling and grammar are super important, as is the use of merge fields to create a personalized feel. Email recipients are savvy and can smell a scam a mile away. Anything resembling a lazy, scatter-gun subject line is headed straight for the bin.

We also recommend avoiding the use of AI for either email copy or subject lines as a way of ensuring originality.

Erez Gordon, Founder, Spruik Lab

Use Personalized Subject Lines

One of the best ways to boost email open rates is by using personalized subject lines. This means adding the recipient’s name or mentioning something specific that relates to them in the subject line. For example, instead of saying, “Check Out Our Latest Offers,” you could say, “John, Here’s a Special Offer Just for You.”

People are more likely to open an email when it feels like it’s just for them. Personalization makes your email stand out in a crowded inbox and shows that you understand your audience. Over time, this simple tweak can lead to better engagement and more successful email campaigns.

Humda Saeed, Email Marketing Consultant, Mumara

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