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Former Proximity London partners launch United

Founding Proximity London partners Duncan Gray and Elly Woolston, along with planner Steven Dodds, have founded United, an agency catering to clients looking to have a positive impact on society in addition to commercial success.

The three founders will be equal-share partners, with Gray heading creative, Woolston handling day-to-day operations and Dodds leading planning. The group, which has begun work for clients, employs freelancers as needed.

Gray, Woolston and Dodds worked together at Barraclough Hall Woolston Gray, Proximity’s predecessor founded in 1991 in part by Gray and Woolston.

“After many years’ experience working as a creative on b-to-b and b-to-c clients, I, along with my 2 partners, wanted to help companies find and communicate a ‘higher purpose’ that people can repeatably buy into,” Gray said.

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